Wednesday 3rd of Feb 2021 is #BookDirectday.Β If you book today - there is an extra 5% discount on your stay with the code BDD5
WHY ?? :Booking direct can save you money and get you other benefits too.
The agencies that small Bnb and self catering homes need to use because their advertising reach is soo great, take money from you to book with them (that we do not get), and a HUGE cut from us, Some take way over 20% !!
Whereever you are booking for your much needed staycation later this year,
please #bookdirect.
It is like #buylocal the best way to support your host
Β We all want to take the very best care of all our guests, but we can always spoil you a bit more.
All my guests have the comprehensive digital guidebook, superfast wifi, lots of free parking, individual hand made soaps, a local producers welcome pack and a basket of firewood.
My direct booking guests will get an enhanced local producers welcome pack, free firewood for the week, and other special goodies. 

The agencies are useful for finding places, they have massive budgets that us little guys, the individual hosts who look after you, cannot compete with. So they dominate the search engines.
But we have websites too .. come and find us. this one is
Once you find somewhere you like, take some details, get on google and find the website of your chosen host to contact them direct.
You will also learn a lot more about the home, the location, and your hosts. We have the local knowledge, far more than google does
You will not only save money but usually get better deals.
Wednesday 3rd of Feb 2021 is #BookDirectday.Β If you book today - there is an extra 5% discount on your stay.
So if youβre thinking of booking a staycation this year anywhere at all - not just with us - search #BookDirect and see if you canβt find your perfect break and get a great deal with the owner.
Please S H A R E this post too - we want to raise awareness about #bookdirectday at a time when many of our businesses have been hit really hard by all the lockdowns