Make Memories : Have Adventures at Kintaline House, Benderloch By Oban Argyll West Coast of Scotland
Serene Spacious Child-Free Well Appointed Comfort Rural Self catering Holiday home
Visit Oban, Scotland for mountains, islands, culture, heritage, sunsets, space, food, outdoor adventures, experiences and so much more

Driving in Argyll

Driving Argyll this summer?

This information is to encourage visitors – whether on 4 wheels or 2 – to enjoy our island roads safely. The roads are mostly quiet, but following these handy tips can help make your visit safer and more enjoyable.
⬅️ Always keep to the left
↔️ Use passing places to allow oncoming traffic past
???? If you’re a slower vehicle or cyclist, pull in to allow traffic to overtake
???? Many people in our communities are on call, including firefighters, doctors, coastguard, and lifeboat crew. They use their own vehicles which don’t have blue lights, so may flash their headlights. Please pull in to let them past
???? Beware of our sheep, deer and cattle which can wander onto our roads
????????‍♀️ Drivers should slow down when passing walkers and cyclists


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